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KrazyDave takes one for science

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Re: KrazyDave takes one for science

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Chad.Westport wrote:
Wed Jan 20, 2021 9:57 pm
MrNice wrote:
Wed Jan 20, 2021 11:03 am
Chad.Westport wrote:
Wed Jan 20, 2021 2:02 am
Well, good to know. Glad you made it through it. I've also heard that pine nuts reduce the high.
i heard orange juice but cud be wrong .................... :idn:
I've heard mango juice can extend your high, due to a terpene in it, forget which one. But for orange juice, I only recall hearing that it will add a turbo boost to your acid trip. :dance:
Mercine i think the spelling is. I am not sure if it prolongues it or intensifies it though.
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Re: KrazyDave takes one for science

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Also I would like to add here, recently all I have been able to get is CBD plant extraxt. It's good quality! But my anxiety levels have shot through the roof! Better cotrolled with CBD than without, but THC certainly helps.

Don't forget you could be ingesting clear trichomes and that would be more likely to effect anxiety in a negative way.

Also the entourage effect would need to be considered here. One persons plant would be different to another growers, even if it was a colne from the same mother.

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Re: KrazyDave takes one for science

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Captain Beefheart wrote:
Wed Jan 20, 2021 10:51 pm
it dont matter what flavour i smoke my head`s fuked either way....
I have gone thorugh dry periods Bach and experienced the weed only helps me. Paranoia and anxiety, stress and anger is all a lot worse without, even over long periods.

It's just weed :oik!:

I'm pretty sure the little round ones used to cause far more anxiety attacks from my experience, that is what fked this brain :suicide: :bang head:
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Re: KrazyDave takes one for science

Post by IMO »

Thanks for sharing your story about this KD, I’ve experienced some doozy panic attacks and a spell of agoraphobia years ago where I found it hard to leave the house. I wasn’t consuming weed back then. Similar to you I found meditation and slowly pulled myself out of it.
A lot of my problem was I believe caused by blood sugar swings and caffeine plus burning the candle at both ends I just burnt myself out. Even now I have to be careful with stimulants because my brain seems to interpret racing heart with danger.
I do grow Cbd strains which I find very relaxing and no head high which I can’t really have when I’m working, and when I don’t have any Cbd flower I may buy Cbd isolate and add that to what thc flower I have I’m my Dynavap and I find it moderates the thc for a less heady more relaxation effect.
The only time I have ever had a kind of panic attack brought on by weed was with street weed, as others have said almost certainly harvested to early and for me way too strong and it comes on too fast, I prefer it more mellow and a sneaking up on me buzz.
Just received some Cbd cream and cheese 1-1 Cbd thc seeds meant to smell great and have a nice mellow effect.
So yeah watch your sugar, caffeine intake, and booze can be a mischief maker for me generally makes me feel great at the time although often depressed and abit edgy the next day, we are all different and have to find what works for us, I’m my own worst enemy I’m currently enjoying a coffee knowing it will probably make me feel sketchy later.
Sorry this post is abit disjointed but nice one for posting about this blokes often find it hard to share anything in this regard, all the best man and hope you find a strain that really agrees with you I’m sure there are many.
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Re: KrazyDave takes one for science

Post by Norseman »

Hey @KrazyDave i have found a nice CBD strain for you that you might wanna try out. It got CBD percentages up in the 20% area and little THC.

https://www.nirvanashop.com/marijuana-s ... yfour.html
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Re: KrazyDave takes one for science

Post by Keeno »

Nice little experiment @KrazyDave.

I think you are bang on with it being the mind. I had sime mental health stuff years ago and a lot of it turned out to be learned behaviours. A learned behaviour doesn't have to be something repetitive either. 1 bad experience lodges in the mind.

I had something very similar with weed. I stopped smoking for years, before it was all recreational but like you I couldn't sleep so I bought a bag of green and rolled a joint. Was the first time id smoked in a long time and that para kicked in hard. I was a mess laying there, panick attack style for hours. It put me right off. I went back to sleeping meds for a few days and the zombie feeling sideeffects.

I then sat there and really tried to analyse why I had freaked out. In my teens I was smoking a quarter a day, I knew people far less confident than me smoking loads and they were just chill, like I had once been. Why had I panicked the way I had.

I done exactly what you said in your post a put it down to my mind and forced myself to roll another. Boom, para freak out ensued lol. But as I lay there freaking out I forced myself to think about the young me smoking 10 times more a day. I thought about the people I knew who were not confident by nature or even panicky people by nature who could smoke 10 times as much. I made myself realise it was my mind doing this, not the tiny amount of weed I'd put in my joint half nervously expecting a panicky attack..... and boom, I started laughing at myself, dudnt sleep but giggles did take over for an hour lol.

The mind is a fragile, sarcastic arsehole at times KD, sometimes we got to let it know who's in charge with these learned behaviours.

On the pepper thing though, you could be onto something as we all know the entourage effect is key to how some strains effect us. I mentioned on a podcast, i think it was to Spartan that weed id cured for very long periods of time always had that spice/pepper hash smell. Turns out that the terpine that causes the pepper smell is one of the last to burn off. That weed was pure sleep material.

I do think CBD counter acts some effects but not this panic you are experiencing. As mentioned I believe its a learned behaviour imo. Some of the best weed I've ever had for sleep has been very low CBD. I think allowing strains to go longer may be something to try for you. If it looks ready at 9 weeks run it 11.
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Re: KrazyDave takes one for science

Post by Guest »

IMO wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:38 am
The only time I have ever had a kind of panic attack brought on by weed was with street weed,
I'm with you on that one. I get this off most street weed. I don't think it's always becuase it's picked early though. My Euforia I picked fairly early and that was a anxiety leg end! :lol:
IMO wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:38 am
I’m my own worst enemy I’m currently enjoying a coffee knowing it will probably make me feel sketchy later.
I don't have more yhan one coffee a day due to this. A very good and valid comment. Caffiene has more effects on us than most think.
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Re: KrazyDave takes one for science

Post by IMO »

Yeah @DIY.Rik people think caffeine is some benign substance but it ain’t I have it up end of 2019 and got nasty withdrawals, not a lot of people realise some people don’t metabolise caffeine well at all and it can build up in the system, some people metabolise it well and it doesn’t really effect them.
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Re: KrazyDave takes one for science

Post by Norseman »

IMO wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 12:34 pm
ome people don’t metabolise caffeine well at all and it can build up in the system
Had a girlfriend that got all shaky and almost paranoid if she had too many coffees and too late in the day. It made her not being able to sleep and she got restless, did sweat and not to mention all the crazy thoughts she came up with.

Forced her to start having de caffeinated coffee instead and problem solved.

Me on the other hand can drink as much coffee as i want and at any time in the day/night without having any issues what so ever. Can have a coffee 2 at night and go straight to bed and not having problems sleeping. Well at least not more than normal for me due to pain and shit.

So coffee do affect us differently for sure and it has to be the same way when it comes to weed.
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Re: KrazyDave takes one for science

Post by Guest »

One thing I'd also like to add here having anxiety problems all my life. Having anxiety and an anxiety disorder are two different things, one can be controlled easily, I often do this at work, ten deep breaths and concentrate on the job and I'm back in the room. Now other times I get breathing problems and physical symptoms that just won't go away , unless I nurse it some way @Keeno

I wouldn't want anyone to take what you said the wrong way or me for that matter :lol:

....as I know, you can kick yourself out of most mental symptoms of anxiety. I've only just began to understand it all myself.

They also call it the "Fight or Flight Response" which is more linked to fear.

I've never considered meditaion, always thought it was a load of rubbish. But looking into how the mind works and what a powerful organ it can be, maybe I will give it a try sometime soon when I'm ready.

I also think heavy abuse of other dugs can have a big role play, look at ozzy osbourne for instance, his brain is so chemically imbalanced, he needs dopamine enhanching drugs etc..... just to feel normal again. Or he is a shaky mess apparently, reading the interview about him that is.

I also think that THC induced anxiety is again, a completely different thing.

Maybe we need more scientists on the case? :lol:

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