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Because who doesn't love bud porn

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Because who doesn't love bud porn

Post by MommaB »

Thought I would start a thread to show off our big beautiful buds :harvest: because wellll who doesn't love a bit of bud porn :rock: plants only please as well.. let's be honest I don't wanna see her giant knockers holding the bud....🙄🙄🙄🤣🤣

I'll go first.. little Bruce banner by Growers choice 💚
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Re: Because who doesn't love bud porn

Post by IMO »

You know aspie is gonna bomb this thread with lovely big knockers 😎
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Re: Because who doesn't love bud porn

Post by Keeno »

I do like some budporn 😊

Jorges Diamonds by Dutch Passion.

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Re: Because who doesn't love bud porn

Post by duke »

a suitably apt tune for the viewing of budporn.

Code: Select all

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Re: Because who doesn't love bud porn

Post by Cave Hill Cole »

So it's show and tell time is it....


Headband X Cindy99

Sage N Sour


Chem 91 (VA cut) X Snow lotus

Hells OG X 88 G13 Hash Plant
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Re: Because who doesn't love bud porn

Post by Rawreefer »

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Re: Because who doesn't love bud porn

Post by Wizard »

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Re: Because who doesn't love bud porn

Post by countrytoker »

Recent black sugar harvest Image

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

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Re: Because who doesn't love bud porn

Post by MommaB »

Afghan kush 💚
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Re: Because who doesn't love bud porn

Post by biosynthetic »

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