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Category: Competitions

Keeno08-04-2020 17:40

Title: Harvest comparison from Dynomyco

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A quick video with harvest results from plants grown with Dynomyco and plants that were not.

Category: DYNOMYCO

Keeno08-04-2020 17:38

Title: Dynomyco comparison between treated/untreated plants.

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In this video you can see the difference between plants grown using Dynomyco and plants that have not been given Dynomyco.

Category: DYNOMYCO

Keeno08-04-2020 17:35

Title: Head grower from Pharmocanm - Dynomyco video.

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The head grower from Pharmocann showing the benefits of using Dynomyco.

Category: DYNOMYCO

Keeno08-04-2020 17:32

Title: 3 week old plant using Dynomyco

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Here you can see the root growth from a plant that's been treated with Dynomyco at only 3 weeks. Very impressive root growth.

Category: DYNOMYCO

Keeno08-04-2020 17:28

Title: A quick tour of the Dynomyco greenhouse!

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A quick video tour of the Dynomyco green house showing hhe difference between using their products early on in a plants life cycle.

Category: GR420 Video Gallery

TommyT08-04-2020 17:07

Title: How To make Gummies

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This is not my creation. This video is how to make regular gummies. You can just add some concentrate to make THC/CBD gummies.

Category: GR420 Video Gallery

Nanook07-04-2020 09:39

Title: Orange bud invisible sun greenqube week 5.5

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Orange bud invisible sun led greenqube

Category: GR420 Video Gallery

Keeno07-04-2020 00:10

Title: Test

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Category: GR420 Video Gallery

Keeno07-04-2020 00:10

Title: Test

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Category: GR420 Video Gallery

Keeno07-04-2020 00:10

Title: Test

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